Saturday, August 16, 2014

Behavior Bucks

Everyone loves what money can buy! Our students are no exception. Throughout this school year, students will be “caught doing the right thing”, and they will be rewarded with Behavior Bucks! These bucks will be earned by participating in class, giving an exceptional response, exceeding the standard, showing improvement in a specific area, doing something extraordinary, helping someone in need, etc.

We love to build great character and strong students by catching our students doing what is right. This year, we will be holding a huge auction every other Wednesday where our students will get to bid for items of their choice. All students who have earned an “A” in Conduct the week of the Auction and the week before the Auction will be able to participate. Students have an “A” if they have two or less infractions for the week.

The Auction is an anticipated event and is a highlight in the lives of our students. Our Auctions are made possible by the generous donations from our parents. Our students love candy, books, toys, movies, stuffed animals, jewelry, art supplies, music, etc. Anything at all is appreciated by our students, so please keep donating throughout the school year. When your child donates, Behavior Bucks are given in return to say “thanks” for giving.

Students, what are your thoughts on earning Behavior Bucks and participating in auctions this school year?

1 comment:

Thank you for your comment! For the safety of our students, please remember NEVER to include last names or identify any child in a photo by name. Thank you!