Florida 3D Map Projects were introduced today in class and they will be due BY Monday, September 22nd. (Your child is more than welcome to turn in his/her project earlier than the due date.) The purpose of this "at-home" project is to have a fun and meaningful way to enrich and extend all that we are studying in our first unit of Social Studies (DOSS), Florida's Geography. Each student received a guideline (blue handout) with all of the expectations for this project today in his/her RED Home/School Connection folder. The above example highlights one example that has been completed by a former Chets Creek 4th Grader to give you an idea on how you might proceed, however, creativity is encouraged. Some students may choose the provided flour recipe (on the back of the blue handout), and others may choose to use modeling clay or styrofoam. The sky is the limit and creativity is encouraged and celebrated! This project will count as a test grade in Social Studies for this first nine weeks. Students, what idea might YOU try for your at-home project?
I know that this will be fun alexandra