Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Laying the Foundation in Math

Our first two weeks of 4th Grade Mathematics have been focused around gaining a deeper understanding of our Base 10 Number System. We began by exploring place value through looking at numbers in their standard, word, and expanded forms.

For example, 143 = one hundred forty-three = 100 + 40 + 3

We then began modeling numbers in our number system using open number lines. These representations helped us make sense of adding, subtracting, and rounding numbers to landmark numbers (friendly numbers such as multiples of 10 and 100). We also completed a Gizmo (virtual math lab) on Rounding.

Our next focus will be to use "rounding" to help us estimate sums (answers to addition problems) and differences (subtraction problems).

This foundation we are laying through our study of place value, rounding and estimation will be necessary in understanding the higher level mathematics we will be studying the rest of our 4th grade year together.

The following link provides reinforcement and practice in the skills and concepts we have been working on in class.
If your child visits Study Jams in order to review the math we have been learning about in class, leave a comment to let us know and your child will earn a $5.00 reward in Behavior Bucks!

Happy Mathematizing!!


  1. Gabi tried out the site for practice this afternoon!

  2. Gabi was on the site the last night (studyjams) for extra practice. Thank you for post!!

  3. Great job, Gabi girl! Behavior Bucks coming your way!

  4. Brooks enjoyed the extra practice on Study Jams.

  5. STUDY JAMS ROCKS! from Brody


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